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God Dna Code

Is embedded in your hands & body

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I'm a soon to be 55 year old mother. I have learned thru a beautiful language called Gematria and the company I have kept over the past two years spiritually especially that God is embedded in my body and my mind. It is my duty to share the word of the Lord with all of you! And that is what being a Human Test Subject is all about - The Human -The test is YOU and the subject is LOVE


A tab for Terese (my name) is about the 72 angels of Shemphamphorash - The silver dot Jesus Christ Path Way for us all thru life that is in all of us! God Bless!

"A single act of kindness
can cause ripples of healing"


My Focus Areas


A Tab for Terese Gematria Slides

A Place to go to see all the work unfolded for Gematria.  How the words all tie in to Biblical prophecy and daily living circumstances. 

Who or What Did We Touch Today?

This page will focus on where I have been and blogged about

Or the family in general - our travels.

My Business Merchandise / Busy V Hive

What I see and where to find it!


16 "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life."

9 "That was the true Light, which lightieth every man that cometh into the world."

John 1:9

31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Get in Touch

Howell, NJ (Las Vegas coming soon!)

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